COVID Update
What to expect for phase three services
We are making every effort to protect people coming to worship at our facility. However, due to the nature of partaking and participating in religious rituals in our biblically prescribed weekly corporate worship, which includes singing, speaking, eating and drinking, such activities are all essential elements of the practice of our religious faith. We are taking precautions by requiring those who work and serve at Essential Church to wear a mask at all times when not singing or speaking from the stage. Facemasks are a personal decision for those worshipping with us. Anyone who enters the building is an active participant in our church service and are assuming and accepting whatever inherent risk may be involved in such activities when they choose to join our constitutionally protected religious worship assembly.
Be Flexible. Safety is first and foremost. We will have several new procedures in place for each phase which will be an adjustment for all of us. For your safety we sanitize the surfaces in our building twice a week.
Everyone in the building must checkin in for possible COVID-19 exposure. Load the church center app on your mobile device to check in on your way to services.
IOS link
Android link
Please make your way to your seat as soon as you checkin to avoid crossing other attendees’ paths.
Entry for 2nd service will only start after the previous service ends. Please stay in your car until the parking team signals you to exit.
go to the bathroom before you come to church, bathrooms are open if needed
Bring mobile device for children if necessary
If your baby starts crying, please take them to one of the overflow rooms
For those who are unable to attend in person, you can still join us for church online Sunday mornings at 9:15 or 10:45 at