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 9:00 AM | 10:15 AM | 11:30 AM


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4020 Ware Neck Dr
Virginia Beach, VA 23456


Our Vision

To remove every non-essential barrier between people and God.

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Engaging kids and equipping families to have a lasting relationship with God for all eternity.

Our goal is to teach kids about the love of Jesus Christ in an engaging, age appropriate way.

We offer a safe, clean, fun, and kid-friendly environment for kids birth-5th grade. All of our Service team members are background checked and wear special Essential Kids lanyards to identify themselves.

For more information, contact Debbie at [email protected]

Revolution Youth


Sunday Nights

High school and Middle school students are invited to check out Revolution Youth on Sunday nights. It’s a great time to hang out, have some fun, and breakout into small groups to grow closer to God and your friends. Revolution Youth incorporates games, music and video to create an inviting environment. Make Revolution Youth an Essential part of your week.

For more information,
contact Brittany Goff at [email protected] 


What is the purpose of small groups at Essential Church?

Jesus established the Church to help us live out the most essential thing: Love God & Love Others. At Essential Church, one of the ways we do this by gathering in small groups, doing life together in authentic community.

What happens at a small group?

Small Groups will usually consist of a time for fellowship, worship, biblical study, and prayer.

How many people are in a small group and how long is it?

Generally, 8 to 15 people meet in our small groups and each meeting lasts 1.5 to 2 hours.

Why join a small group?

Small groups allow us the ability and opportunity to do life together with other people. Through a small group setting, one is able to dig deeper into the Bible and grow in their relationship with God, while fostering and growing relationship with people in a community of believers.

What’s the next step to join?

If you are interested in joining a small group or just want more information, click here to find a group.

You can contact the small group leader through the email address provided under the group listing, or you can contact Pastor Chris at [email protected].

Celebrate Recovery

Wednesday Nights

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain, or addiction of any kind.

Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our life.

For more information, contact Pastor Mike at [email protected]



Essential church is impacting our community and the world by serving our community and supporting those who are helping others around the world.

Find out more by checking out our Missions Facebook page.

To find out more about serving opportunities, click here and learn about the difference you can make.

Our Beliefs

In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, love.



Essential Beliefs in Plain Terms

There is one God and the Bible contains his message of loving truth. This one God has eternally existed in three persons: God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. He is the creator of the heavens and the earth and all living things. He created men and women in his own image and so that he might have an intimate and loving relationship for eternity. He gave men and women the opportunity to choose to trust and love him or to turn away from him. The first people God created were Adam and Eve. They chose to turn away from him. With their decision, sin entered the world. Ever since that time men and women have continued to follow their example and chosen to sin. The consequence of the decision to sin is the same today as it was in the beginning, death and separation from God.

God is both loving and just. Justice demands that the consequences of sin be met. Love desires to forgive and restore those who have sinned. Because God loved us he sent his one and only son, Jesus to earth. He lived a sinless life and therefore did not have to deal with the consequences of sin: death and separation from God. Jesus chose to give his life up to pay for the consequences of everyone else’s sin. This allows for our sin to be forgiven, but also for justice to be served. Forgiveness for sin is a free gift from God that he wants everyone to receive. The only question that remains is, will you receive God’s gift of forgiveness?

Receiving God’s gracious gift of forgiveness through what Jesus did on the cross allows us to have an intimate and loving relationship with God. God wants our relationship with him to begin as soon as possible. One of the characteristics of all loving relationships is that we want to do what pleases the one we love. Jesus said it this way, “if you love me, you will obey my commands.” The Bible is a record of all the things that God has asked us to do in order that we might have a right relationship with him and with other people.

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Hear The Stories

Alex Goff - August 1, 2019


From Series: "Testimonials"


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